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Overcoming Anxiety

  • Finding it difficult to get through stressful times without experiencing anxious feelings?
  • Feeling overwhelmed by anxiety?
  • Is anxiety beginning to control what you do and where you go?

Why attend the Overcoming Anxiety workshop?

Anxiety is difficult to cope with. Sometimes anxiety can take over your actions and behaviour and it may feel as if it is impossible to have any control over it. Support is available in the form of learning and understanding what happens to you during anxious moments. This workshop explores what you need to support you and how to build a toolkit of coping skills to help you.

What will I learn from the workshop?

The course provides you with a toolkit of skills to deal with building your life around you again. You will learn skills and strategies to use when you feel anxious and how to deal with the physical feelings of anxiety.

How will the workshop help me?

The workshop provides an understanding of how anxiety affects us physically and mentally. By having a greater understanding of the effects of anxiety and strategies to cope with those effects, it becomes possible to build other skills, such as increased confidence.

What if I don’t attend?

People attending this course also found support in meetings others who have experienced the same feelings and found coping strategies to be able to support themselves.

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