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Counselling and Relationships

Problems can be so hard at times and it can be difficult to ask for help

Whether the problem is within yourself or others, talking in a safe environment can be helfpul.  With support, time and space, it can be possible to make changes or come to terms with where you are - both can be difficult.

Exploring existing coping strategies and creating new ways of coping can build foundation steps for you to stand on as you build confidence to be able to move forward.

What do we do that is different?

  • We recognise that it can be difficult to ask for help.
  • We use a mixture of techniques to suit you:  talking therapy, visual, creative and practical.
  • Using these techniques we support you in creating a 'toolbox' which will help you support yourself.
  • Our counselling service is not just aimed at supporting you now but to be useful in the future too.

New to counselling  - click here for more information.

You are not alone - We are here to support you every step of the way.
