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Business Coaching

Why use our services?

Mental health affects us all.  When our mental health is not working for us, we are not working to our full potential. These services are developed for you company and employees to learn how we can all be affected and how to notice when others may be suffering mental ill health.  Specific support can be provided for any employees who identify as needing help.

What will be learnt through accessing our services?

These workshops provide employees with skills to become more aware of how mental ill health can be recognised in both themselves and in others.  Talking openly about mental health will make it easier for employees to identify that they may be struggling and require support.

How will the workshop help your business?

The workshops provide skills for employees to learn, and recognise, signs of mental ill health in themselves and/or in others.  Employees learn how to recognise stigma and how to interrupt the cycle of stigma making it safer for everyone to talk about their mental health.

What if I don’t attend?

People who attend workshops find a number of benefits – from an atmosphere of openness and tolerance to more productiveness from employees.

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